Based on the original anime series Mobile Suit Gundam, the RX-78-2 Gundam returns to the Master Grade line in its Ver. 3.0 form! This new version features a dynamic armor system for even greater mobility.
Product Features
- 1/100 Scale
- Made of plastic
- Based on the classic Gundam anime
- Part of the Master Grade model kit line
Box Contents
- Pieces to build
- RX-78-2 Gundam Ver. 3.0
- Core Fighter
- 2 Beam Sabers
- Beam Rifle
- Hyper Bazooka
- Shield
- Decal sheet
- Instructions
Scale | 1/100 |
Line | MG - Master Grade |
Brand | Mobile Suit Gundam |
Series | Mobile Suit Gundam |
SKU: 2210344
Customers Also Bought
does it come with a stand/action base
No, it does not.
August 30, 2022
R the legs compatible with the origin?
Unfortunately the two versions use different types of connections at the hip and thigh, so it wouldn't be possible to use the 3.0's legs on the origin or vice versa without significant custom work
May 8, 2024
5 stars
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of customers recommend this product
Jan 13, 2025
Looks good but...
Looks good, but it's a hand grenade. Overall doesn't feel very solid. Some parts of the building process can be frustrating. For example, the metallic stickers for the arms will not stay on no matter how well you put them on/coat over them, due to them being on the joints. If finished look is all that matters to you, this one is fine. I personally prefer the MG Ver Ka.
Review by
- Verified Purchaser
Jan 12, 2025
First disappointment 😔
This MG is my third Gunpla build, and while it started off strong, it ultimately left me frustrated. Building the core fighter was an enjoyable experience, and the body unit assembly felt solid and well-designed. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse as I progressed.
The dreaded fingers were a significant pain point. Like others have mentioned, the middle finger constantly pops off, making it nearly impossible to keep the hand intact. Out of sheer frustration, my RX-78 is now permanently flipping one off—a reflection of how I felt during the build.
As visually appealing as the head piece is, one of the main components doesn’t lock into place properly. Even the slightest movement causes it to pop off, which is incredibly frustrating. The shoulders were another disappointment, feeling too flimsy and loose, and the waist is wobbly, making it difficult to stabilize the kit. Posing was such a hassle that I gave up entirely and let the RX-78 stand stiffly next to the core fighter.
To make matters worse, the extra "core fighter" doesn’t lock into position securely, adding yet another annoyance to the build. Overall, this MG had too many missteps for me to truly enjoy it as my "first" MG. While it has its moments of promise, the frustrations outweigh the positives.
Review by
Nov 4, 2024
I wanted to like it
I had thought initially the bad rep this kit has was overblown and that I would grow to like it more, but no such luck-- this thing is flimsy, and while I didn't have the trouble with the elbow assembly like others have described I can definitively say that this kit's ankles are absolutely awful. The feet love to pop off, and the polycaps in the ankles have actually cracked, which I have not had as an issue with any of the other dozen or so polycap using master grades I have built. The hands, too, are fragile, and while I had no issues with the MG Dom 1.5's perfect grade style hands, I can say that this kit's are some of the most infuriating I have ever worked with. The middle fingers are dedicated to popping out upon even the slightest nudge, and the problem only gets worse the more times you have to pop them back in. I've stopped touching the hands entirely out of fear that I might have to glue the middle fingers in place.
The skirt armor is very difficult to position, tending to sag towards the ground as they are too loose to resist Earth's gravity. The accessories are fine, but aren't much new- they mostly consist of parts from the 2.0, with only a couple of new parts.
TL/DR: Buy the Origin master grade or even the 2.0 if you want a good 1/100 Gundam.
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