Based on the original Mobile Suit Gundam anime, the Char's custom unit model kit is in 1/100 scale and becomes a fully articulated figure once complete. Char's Zaku II (Ver. 2.0) comes with machine gun, bazooka and heat hawk and crane vehicle.
Product Features
- 1/100 Scale
- Made of plastic
- Based on the original Mobile Suit Gundam anime
- Fully articulated figure once complete
Box Contents
- Pieces to build
- Char's Zaku II (Ver. 2.0)
- Machine gun
- Bazooka
- Heat hawk
- Crane vehicle
- Stickers
- Mini pilot figure
- Instructions
Scale | 1/100 |
Line | MG - Master Grade |
Brand | Mobile Suit Gundam |
Series | Mobile Suit Gundam |
SKU: 2001372
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of customers recommend this product
Dec 20, 2024
Near perfect
Finally picked up one of these, and suffice to say it truly is as good as people say. My only gripes involve the hands and pipes, which are a pain to deal with. The hands struggle to hold many of the weapons as securely as you'd like, and the pointer finger loves to rotate in weird angles you'd never think of. The pipes, on the other hand, are an absolute nightmare to assemble and you're better off clipping them apart and pushing out the rubberized plastic instead of trying to pull them through the runner onto the tube. Even with pliers, my hands were in pain afterwards. Otherwise, the final product is amazing and almost everything you'd want out of a zaku master grade. All it really lacks visually is surface detail, and the high mobility Zakus partially rectify that (so long as you can find them).
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Jun 12, 2024
Excellent MG
Great kit. Easy to assemble, stiff joints for poses, and has a neat mechanism to move the mono eye when the head moves. When assembling the piping, be careful not to cut the ends the wrong way as you need them to attach. Also, cut the rubber that the piping beads are on, and then push the beads off the rubber to get them free easier.
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- Verified Purchaser
Apr 28, 2024
fantastic kit
This was a fantastic build. Great articulation all-around. Very nicely poseable. No complaints.
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