
PG Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee Norn

Model Kit
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The final configuration of the Banshee from 7 episode OVA “Gundam UC,” receives the Perfect Grade treatment! A massive 15” tall, it is capable of transformation from Unicorn Mode to Destroy Mode. It has been engineered to also replicate its massive range of movement while still maintaining its iconic proportion and look. Other features include the use of magnets for its transforming horn, a full armament of weapons including beam magnum with revolving launcher, Armed Armor DE shield system that can also be mounted on backpack, beam sabers, Display stand included.

Product Features

  • 1/60 Scale
  • Made of plastic
  • Based on Gundam UC anime
  • Compatible with LED unit (sold separately)

Box Contents

  • Pieces to build
    • Banshee Norn
    • Beam magnum
    • DE shield
    • Beam sabers
    • Display stand
    • Backpack
  • Mini figure
  • Foil sticker
  • Instructions
box art
Scale 1/60
Line PG - Perfect Grade
Brand Mobile Suit Gundam
Series Gundam Unicorn


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SKU: 2303444


Any time frame on when this will be back in stock?
December 24, 2023
That is difficult to predict, as it is subject to Bandai's reprint schedule. We suggest adding the product to your wishlist to receive notifications on any restocks!
April 18, 2023
Is this kit compatible with the LED?
Yes it is compatible with the led unit for the RX-0 unicorn gundam. As for installation the manual has steps just for the LED kit before adding armor after building the inner frame. Chaaaaaaaaar is also correct about the mane not directly lighting up. The armed armor DE also does not light up.
December 10, 2023
Yes, as the all of the Unicorn PGs (including p-bandai) share the same internal structure, although it likely won't light up the 'mane' since that's technically an external addon. I've seen pictures of both the Unicorn and Banshee with the LED so it definitely works, and the Unicorn's manual has instructions on how to prep for installation so I suspect this one will have something similar
December 10, 2023
Does this have the clear psycho frame? or is the Orange/Yellow see through enough for the LED to shine through?
The Psychoframe is a clear orange-yellow. The LEDs from the official set are a cool white and are powerful enough to make it light up, but it doesn't fluoresce as easily as the base Unicorn's pink frame.
December 14, 2023
Is this compatible with the KOSMOS LED?
Yes it is. However, you may need to purchase the version specified for this particular kit to ensure a complete set of LEDs for all features.
December 28, 2023
Are the decals in this regular stickers like the normal Unicorn or water slides?
ok ,thanks you
November 22, 2024
It will be marking stickers like the regular PG Unicorn.
November 22, 2024
2  Reviews
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50% of customers recommend this product
Nov 2, 2024

First PG

This was my first PG build and my first time painting a gunpla. I was extremely happy with the build and the paint job.
Recommends this product
Review by
- Verified Purchaser
Sep 18, 2022

A lovely (miscolored) lion

The PG unicorn mold is the pinnacle of bandai’s eye candy. Absolutely amazing to look at but to do anything with it comes with a desire to not break it from frustration. The good things about this kit starts with the proportions of the kit being stellar and the PG’s proportions compared to all other renditions of the unicorn easily beats them all, it has passable pose-ability with exceptions(I.e. the ankles, wrist, shoulder to some extent, and the hips), the accessories that come are minimal but very nicely done, and the overall frame and gimmicks associated with it are a real treat for its looks. The bad part of this kit is the issue of it just being solid to “play” with. I use play as in move around, pose, and overall enjoy your $260 plastic bot. Holding the weapons in a neutral pointing-at-the-ground pose is easy to do as it’s the only pose it can do easily with the weapons out of box. The beam magnum is a no go for action poses and the armed armor attachments to the shield make the shield absolutely impossible to pose. The armed armor on the backpack also come with issues as the joints it uses to do it’s transformation gimmick are very prone to pop out if not done extremely slowly and carefully. The shoulders suffer immensely from the weight problems as they lose their friction over time and start to stress which is a horrible thing for a PG. I have to tighten every problem joint to the best I could and even then I have to be careful with posing. Another problem is the shield itself, it’s very nicely executed but the very solid build makes it very tight and man it’s a tight fit. I get scared when I transform it as if I pull to hard the grey plastic holding the lower part of the shield starts to stress. The minor problems I have are plentiful, the color is wrong of course. Instead of a black with a navy blue tint as shown in the mech’s spreadsheet from the show it’s a dark navy blue with no back tint all with a very noticeable mold-warping and nub marks(thankfully most navy blue parts are undergated). The gold parts are a mix bag as the collar, v-fin, and head crest are all painted gold which is a very nice finish but every other gold part is a what looks like mix of solid yellow and injection gold which is a very weird way to go. The “lion’s mane” suffers the most of it as it’s a brilliant bright yellow or gold in most drawings of the Banshee but here looks rather dull. Also the lion’s mane is hollow inside and where the back navy blue piece ends a tiny hollow section for each pointy part of the mane is shown which sucks since you know PG. Last problem is the stickers, whoever at Bandai decided sticker style decals is good for a majority dark model kit deserves to have his food be cold whenever they microwave it. The decals flat out suck and I remedy this issue by buying water slides from newtype of course and they look absolutely good. Here’s a tip if you buy the water slides, go to the website of the brand and type in PG banshee and it should show you a finished model of a PG Final battle ver Unicorn and a example of a finished Banshee. I wish you best of luck to apply the slides. Now overall this model is great, worth $260? Flat out no, Banshee and all the other unicorn PG’s are a choice you make when you have the money, space, and desire to build a model with so many flaws. I have the PG unicorn and had a KO PG phenex and no matter the version the flaws remain constantly. So if you are like me, love the unicorn look and the size of the 1/60 I say yeah get it, but if you are looking for a good build and a good out of box experience DO NOT GET THIS. Better to save to get the PGU granddaddy or any other perfect grade which is affordable with the price of the Banshee.
Review by
- Verified Purchaser

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