Based on the Mobile Suit Gundam anime, the MS-06F Zaku II model kit is in 1/144 scale and becomes a fully articulated figure once complete. The MS-06F Zaku II also includes various decal stickers that allow you to customize how your Zaku II is identified.
Product Features
- 1/144 Scale
- Made of plastic
- From Mobile Suit Gundam
- Fully articulated figure once complete
Box Contents
- Pieces to build
- Zaku II
- 2 Captain antenna heads
- General soldier head
- Zaku Bazooka
- Zaku Machine Gun
- Hands
- Decals
- Instructions
Scale | 1/144 |
Line | RG - Real Grade |
Number | 4 / 40 |
Brand | Mobile Suit Gundam |
SKU: 2137102
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of customers recommend this product
Dec 30, 2022
Good Kit
This was my first RG and I have to say it was much more fun to build than an HG or MG. It's a lot more detailed than I thought it was going to be. I'm not a huge fan of stickers, especially the tiny silver ones that go over the small circles on the model. I would have much preferred water slides, but I don't think they look too bad in the end. It is a bit fragile. I always have a few parts fall off when trying to pose it (most notably the front and side skirts). Overall I think this is a great RG and a good Zaku II kit.
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Sep 8, 2022
Look, but don't touch
I'd like to start with saying this is probably the nicest looking 1/44 scale Zaku you can buy. With tons of detail, some nice but subtle color separation in the main armor, and tons of panel lines (at least for a Zaku), it's hard to beat for a cheap kit for display.
Display is all I'd really use it for though, every time I've touched it to try and pose, swap weapons, or whatever, it's a massive headache. The front and side skirt panels will fall off at a moments notice if you move the legs, and both shoulder accessories do the same when moving the arms. The finger joints are too weak to hold the Heat-Hawk, which particularly blows considering there's no premolded left hand that it properly fits in.
Unless you absolutely just want it for display, to leave it on a shelf and forget it, I'd recommend literally any other somewhat recent HG Zaku over this.
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- Verified Purchaser
Sep 2, 2022
Build it, Put it on the Shelf, Don't Touch It
It’s true what they say about old Real Grades? This was my oldest RG so far.
While I’m not completely against the end result, more and more as I built this up if it came obvious why this kit is so despised. That skirt armor (front especially) is horrible and I really hate it. Couple with that it pops out every time you try to move the legs (one of which the peg BROKE and I had to replace with a metal 3mm rod) the skirt front and side will end up falling apart anytime you just LOOK at the thing.
Aesthetically the new GTO Zaku IIs are superior and x10 more sturdy but I admit the panel lining on this, color separation, and flexing armor on the knees/elbows are really really really nice. The included decals are very slick too. Despite my feelings I still have a metal detailing kit enroute so will update later with that. This def needs a 2.0. Unless you are a huge Zaku fan I highly suggest you steer away from this (and this is coming from one big OYW Zeon fanboy).
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