Utilizing real world technology to interpret the futuristic elements of the Gundam universe, the Real Grade series presents its version of the 00 Raiser from the Gundam 00 animated series. The iconic GN drives which act as both an energy transmission and propulsion system are modeled on the designs of the high voltage power transmission lines and propulsion systems found on real world exploration satellites. The 0 Raiser support craft has been remodeled with a more angular design to resemble the linear form of a stealth fighter while weapons and attachments feature design aesthetics based on real specifications of actual aircraft.
Product Features
- 1/144 Scale
- Made of plastic
- Real Grade
- Action Base not included
Box Contents
- Pieces to build
- 00 Raiser
- GN Drive
- GN Particle Tank
- GN Sword II
- GN Sword III
- GN Shields
- Beam effect parts
- Realistic Decal
- Instruction manual
Scale | 1/144 |
Line | RG - Real Grade |
Number | 18 / 40 |
Brand | Mobile Suit Gundam |
Series | Gundam 00 |
SKU: 2295835
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of customers recommend this product
Nov 29, 2024
Better than HG but One problem
This one is slightly better than the HG OO raiser. of course the RG has insane details and articulations, but this kit actually reused RG gundam EXIA's frame (advanced MS joint) , so it has slightly weaker waist & other frame and articulation, which has a little problem with holding GN Sword III & effect parts with O raiser on the GN drive binder.
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Dec 22, 2023
Honestly,00 great kit,when you join it with the 0 raiser,WHICH I CANT THE DANG 0 RAISER SIDE PART WONT EVEN STAY ON IT JUST WOBBLES.I don’t recommend this unless you just want the 00
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Oct 22, 2022
Great kit with a few minor issues
I personally love this kit. It has a lot of options for displaying it, a ton of dynamic stickers, and a very nice look that you get with all Real Grades. The 0 raiser can dock with the 00 gundam, the shield blades can move in and out, and the GN Swords have multiple modes. Occasionally some parts will fall off, but these aren’t toys so it shouldn’t matter that much. Also, it should be noted that the base adapter is intended to work only with the Action Base 2. You can use it with other bases, as long as you don’t mind the base adapter being stuck to the base permanently (I learned this the hard way). If I could give this a 4 and a half star rating, I would. Overall a great buy for all Gundam fans alike!
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