"Legend Gundam," which appeared in the second half of the story of "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny" and was active as Rey Za Burrel's machine, is now available as a 1/100 scale model kit!
The movable range is expanded compared to the conventional "No-Grade" 1/100 scale model. The backpack uses an ABS frame to strengthen the holding power of the movable parts, and the beam cannon firing form and folding mechanism are completely reproduced. Each dragoon is detachable and playable. It is also possible to recreate the attack form in which the six dragoons that are used frequently are directed forward.
Two types of beam sabers are included: a normal type and an ambidextrous halberd that connects two; the beam sabers can be stored inside the sides of both legs.
Product Features
- 1/100 Scale
- Made of plastic
- From the "Gundam SEED Destiny" anime series
- Highly detailed
Box Contents
- Pieces to build:
- Legend Gundam
- 2x Beam Sabers
- 2x Large Mobile Beam Assault Cannons
- 2x Small Mobile Beam Assault Cannons
- Beam Rifle
- Double-sided Beam Saber Hilt
- Beam Shield
- 1/20 Scale Rey Za Burrel Character Card
- Stand
- Instructions
Scale | 1/100 |
Line | NG - No Grade |
Brand | Mobile Suit Gundam |
Series | Gundam Seed Destiny |
Release Date | June 2006 |