The TV anime "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann" celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2022, and now it's joined the "Shokugan Modeling Project (SMP)" lineup from Bandai!
Lagann and Gurren can combine, and the set of Enki, Enkidu, and Enkidudu can reproduce all three forms. Each one comes with a piece of soda-flavored gum, and they're randomly packed in boxes of two!
Product Features
- Approx. 5.9 inches tall (15cm)
- Made of ABS
- Based on "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann"
- Part of the "Shokugan Modeling Project (SMP)"
- Interchangeable parts and accessories
Box Contents
- Pieces to build:
- Gurren and Lagann
- Enki
- Weapons and Accessories
- Instructions
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Scale | non |
Brand | Gurren Lagann |
Release Date | July 2023 |
SKU: BAN87505
What aspect of this is random? The gum it comes with or whether it's Enki or Gurren Lagann?
the gum is random the kits are not.
August 6, 2023
I think it's the fact these are supposed to be sold as "blind boxes". But you're getting the set of both kits with the listing.
July 31, 2023
Will this kit require building with runners or will the model already come assembled in the box?
They require building and come on runners.
August 1, 2023
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