1/144 OZ-07MS Tragos Gundam Wing
The Tragos was the 2nd mass-production mobile suit made by OZ. Designed to provide fire support, the Tragos is equipped with 2 1100mm/L15 smoothbore cannons, and a large beam rifle, although this can be substituted for many of the Leo’s weapons. The Tragos is often mistaken for a mobile armor due to the iconic hover unit that gives it increased mobility. However, the Tragos does have legs, which are folded up within the hover unit. Despite the impressive firepower, the Tragos was vulnerable to air mobile threats such as the OZ-07AMS Aries and proved to be unable to deal with the Gundams. The mobile suit was withdrawn from service during the Eva war sometime prior to OZ’s deployment to space, many believe this was due to heavy losses suffered by OZ forces in anti-Gundam operations, but documents that would confirm this are still classified.
The model kit contains 100 parts, this includes legs. However, they cannot be folded up within the hover unit. These come in unsupported and pre-supported STLs (200 files in total). Full instructions, please read these before printing so as to print the right parts for your build. An engineering drawing poster of the Tragos.
Due to the size and fine detail of the parts, it is recommended to print on large form resin printers such as Saturn S. However, all parts should still fit on Mars-size resin printers.