The Lightning Buster Gundam from the Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom anime, piloted by Diakka Elsman, is now available as a High Grade model kit. It features the SEED Action System, an internal mechanism designed to capture dynamic action poses similar to those in the anime. The hip joints have a unique connection axis that allows for independent vertical movement of each leg, enabling a range of bold poses.
The model includes a Beam Cannon on the waist, which can be displayed in an extended position using interchangeable barrel parts. The large cannons are also articulated, allowing them to unfold from their stowed position. The arms can be repositioned to hold the cannons over the shoulder and waist. Additionally, the missile warhead can be revealed by opening the hatch on the rear of the fuselage.
The kit achieves precise color separation throughout the body with the use of multi-colored runners.
Product Features
- 1/144 Scale
- Made of plastic
- Based on the Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom anime
- Part of the High Grade Cosmic Era series
- Multiple points of articulation
- Interchangeable parts and accessories
Box Contents
- ZGMF-103HD Lightning Buster Gundam
- 2 Barrel parts
- Stickers
Scale | 1/144 |
Line | HG - High Grade |
Number | 253 / 257 |
Brand | Mobile Suit Gundam |
Series | Gundam Seed Freedom |
Release Date | November 2024 |