From Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance, the legendary Gundam EX, known as the "White Devil," comes to life as a three-dimensional figure in the GUNDAM UNIVERSE line. This stunning figure captures the overwhelming power and iconic design of Gundam EX, blending intricate details with the robust aesthetic that defines the Gundam Universe series.
Standing approximately 5.9 inches tall, the Gundam EX is equipped with its signature beam rifle, shield, and beam saber effects for dynamic posing options. With fine details and a massive feel, this figure is a must-have for Gundam fans.
Product Features:
- Height: Approx. 5.9 inches (15 cm)
- Material: Made of PVC and ABS
- Series: Part of the Gundam Universe line
- Source: Based on Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance
- Detail: Highly detailed and captures the "White Devil" aesthetic
Box Contents:
- Gundam EX figure
- Pair of interchangeable arms
- Beam rifle
- Shield
- 2 Beam saber effect parts
- Joint parts for Tamashii Stage display
Add the powerful Gundam EX to your collection and relive the intensity of Requiem for Vengeance with this highly detailed figure from the Gundam Universe series!
Line | Gundam Universe |
Brand | Mobile Suit Gundam |
Series | Gundam Requiem For Vengence |