Based on the Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn anime, this D-50C Loto (Twin Set) model kit is in the 1/144 scale and becomes a two fully articulated figures once built. The Loto can transform from Gundam mode into tank mode in five simple steps and includes weaponry such as the long cannon and mega machine cannon.
Product Features
- 1/144 Scale
- Made of ABS and PS
- Based on Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn
- Part of the High Grade Universal Century model kit line
Box Contents
- Pieces to build
- 2 D-50C Loto
- 2 Long cannons
- Machine cannon
- Mega machine cannon
- Searchlight
- Instructions
Tap heart for stock notification.
Scale | 1/144 |
Line | HG - High Grade |
Number | 106 / 257 |
Brand | Mobile Suit Gundam |
Series | Gundam Unicorn |
SKU: 2091785
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Jan 20, 2024
Now There are Two of Them
So…you’re telling me, for $21 you get two Lotos? I’m sold. These little guys are amazing. Their small size is of no detriment to display space. Some issues though. It does have some color issues, mainly with the head cameras, missile hands, and the tips of the Beam Burners. However, this can be looked past, as this comes with a whole Loto armory. The dual cannons and the heavy cannon are included, and you can actually attach all the weaponry to one Loto. They are a little back heavy, but if you balance them correctly, you should be fine. Articulation isn’t the highest, but it’s understandable. The transformation is simple, but some parts are super tight due to the ABS plastic used in the frame. It’s a solid deal and I recommend it to Unicorn collectors.
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Jan 11, 2023
Fun Customization Option, But Hard to Transform
It is not easy to transform into the tank mode, and it doesn't look good once it has been transformed. The back part keeps falling off and the cover for the front wheels (located on the back part) are hard to move. Still cool to have posed and I appreciate the customization options.
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- Verified Purchaser
Nov 20, 2022
Not well proportioned
So, I love the Loto design. But it's unfortunately too back heavy to stand on its own, and too small to compensate that weight. Certain parts to transform it to tank mode are stiff or stuck, and other parts like certain joints and weapons are loosely placed.
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- Verified Purchaser
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