The Gundam Kimaris is one of Gjallarhorn’s surviving Gundam Frames from the Calamity War fought 300 years before the events of Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans. Gundam Kimaris belongs to the Bauduin Family, the ancestors of the Mobile Suit’s original pilot and members of Gjallarhorn’s Seven Stars. Gundam Kimaris sat dormant in the Bauduin Family Treasury until reentering service to replace Gaelio Bauduin’s Schwalbe Graze after fighting against Tekkadan. The Gundam Kimaris excels in close quarters combat, despite being one of the heftiest configurations of the Gundam Frame. To counter its increased mass, Gjallarhorn covered the surface of Gundam Kimaris’s armor in vernier thrusters.
Included alongside the Gundam Kimaris for accessories:
- Gungnir Lance
- Combat Knife
Scale | 1/144 |
Line | HG - High Grade |
Number | 11 / 45 |
Brand | Mobile Suit Gundam |
Series | Iron-Blooded Orphans |
Release Date | December 2024 |