Based on the Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn anime, this Kshatriya model kit is in the 1/144 scale and becomes a fully articulated figure once built. This model kits features four moveable binders, twenty-four funnels with flexible arms and two beam sabers.
Product Features
- 1/144 Scale
- Made of ABS, PE, and PS
- Based on Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn anime
- Part of the High Grade Universal Century model kit line
Box Contents
- Pieces to build Kshatriya Gundam
- 2 Beam Sabers
- 4 Wing Binders
- 24 Beam Gun Funnels
- Action base adapter
- Instructions
Scale | 1/144 |
Line | HG - High Grade |
Number | 99 / 257 |
Brand | Mobile Suit Gundam |
Series | Gundam Unicorn |
SKU: 2072798
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of customers recommend this product
Feb 14, 2024
Until we get a 300 dollar MG, this is your Kshatriya
This is an HG which leaves some things to be desired. The shoulder mounts at the shoulder joint carry the lotus blossom shields, so any poses with the hand will carry with them, which is limiting to a degree.
However, this is the best you'll get with this model, which is one of my favorite Mobile Suits of all time. Huge yet manageable shelf presence really is what makes this shine.
My true rating is a solid 4.65/5. This could be better but unless they make an RG or MG of this, then outside of finnicky resin kits that are at the upper echelon of most's ability, or are so costly they will cost the same as a monthly car payment, this is the the one you want. Which, again, isn't a compromise at all. It's a good kit that skews to the larger HG category but not so large (I'm thinking pyscho zaku from thunderbolt) that you like it at first and then regret having to position everything on your shelf around it.
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Dec 11, 2023
The Avocado!
This is a solid HG that I would absolutely recommend. It's big, it's easy, and the funnels clip on without an issue.
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- Verified Purchaser
Nov 15, 2023
R.I.P Marida.
Haven't gotten it yet but soon.....very soon I will have the bell pepper of doom.
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