The powerful Gundam Double X from the TV series “After War Gundam X” appears in MG form! Utilizing the Gundam X’s internal frame for fictional accuracy, this powerful retrofit features an over the shoulder weapon called the Twin Satellite Cannon powered by dazzling energy reflectors on its backpack that can unfold.
Product Features
- 1/100 Scale
- Made of plastic
- Part of the Master Grade model kit line
- Action Base not included
Box Contents
- Pieces to build
- Gundam Double X
- 2 Twin satellite cannons
- Buster rifle
- 2 Hyper beam swords
- Defense plate
- Foil sticker
- Tetron sticker
- Mirror sheet
- Instructions
Scale | 1/100 |
Line | MG - Master Grade |
Brand | Mobile Suit Gundam |
*Not eligible for discounts.
SKU: 2267185
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of customers recommend this product
Apr 1, 2023
Dope build
I decided to buy this because of the design of this Gundam. It was fun to build and pretty straight forward. I would recommend getting an action base if you wanna pose it because the cannons make it lean back. Otherwise, awesome kit
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- Verified Purchaser
Jun 9, 2022
Nice & Straight forward build
The Double X is a solid MG for the price you pay for. With an interesting color scheme, sleek panel line details, and overall some wide proportions, it'll definitely stick out.
The back unit does make the kit somewhat backheavy, though it doesn't eliminate the waist-torso connection. It just leans back. The engineering of the waist allows you to sorta 'lock' it in place, which is pretty nice. The splitting armor gimmick on the legs could look and feel a bit more sturdy but overall it's def a must-build.
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May 30, 2021
Little loose on the waist joints but overall fantastic
First things first. If you're a Gundam After War X fan, this is the kit for you. I love the look of this gundam. My only real gripe with it is that the waist joint is a little weak but it can easily be fixed with some glue or topcoat. But other than that it looks fantastic and is super fun to build.
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