
Gaia 047 Clear Purple

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Volume: 15 ml (0.5 oz)

Gaia Lacquer based paints are formulated in Japan specifically with the hobbyist in mind.
This line of paint features highly pigmented rich, vibrant colors which will bring excellent details to your next project.

1. High Concealing Power … Densely pigmented for maximum coverage
2. Smooth application … No rough finishes
3. Quick dry time … Paint proceeds to dry fast

SKU: WH4582182330473



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May 10, 2021

Amazing results, after wading through challenges

Edit: seems like line-breaks did not work; this will be a pain to read. tldr: I think I got bad luck with the batch I bought, making it extremely hard to paint with, but the results are literally exactly what I wanted. The Gaia clear purple paint provided what I expected in the results, but actually painting with this color proved to be a challenge. Despite thinning in the same ratio as my Gaia clear red (which was easy to paint with) and trying different ratios, the Gaia clear purple did not want to play nice. If it had acted like the clear red, easy 5/5 on quality and 5/5 overall. This wasn't the case. My initial problem was that the paint was acting too thin (again, despite being in the same ratio as the clear red) causing the surface to be inadequately covered, or the paint running if you sprayed too much. What I didn't understand about this is that it made a new challenge: the paint acted far too thin, but it would clog my airbrush far too soon and was a headache to clean. A trait of paint being too saturated. I ended up trying to find a relatively balanced ratio (going as far as buying more and mixing a separate ratio. Then further mixing the original and new ratio together in the airbrush's cup while painting) where it was thin enough to paint without clogging too fast, and saturated enough where the paint wouldn't run. However, the paint never acted the way the clear red did, I had to end up cleaning the brush multiple times while working with it, and had to paint extremely extremely slowly to avoid the paint from running. This paint definitely gave me a huge challenge to overcome while building my kit, but the results however are exactly what I had in mind. The looks of the paint itself are gorgeous. It's a deep and saturated color and as you can see in the picture almost exactly what it looks like on the cap (I used overcoating technique on Gaia star bright silver). It dries super smooth, clean, and feels great to the touch. The way it looks made the headache worth it, as more hours have passed of the kit on my shelf than me actually painting it. This paint disappointed and frustrated me beyond belief while building my kit, but the results are perfect to what I envisioned my kit to become in my mind. Being so many months later I don't really care how much my past self suffered, but giving an honest review it just simply did not cut the bill for a nice experience unlike other paints I've gotten from Gaia. To which I really don't understand. How come my red played so well despite thinning the same way? Was there a bad batch of purple? Have others had these problems? A funny mystery, but wasn't so much at the time. For all this I have to give the quality a below average: 2/5 for just not nearly being what I expected, but raising that up to a 3/5 maybe 4 for being such a perfect finish. I still do recommend it if you are a fan of overcoating or a huge fan of purple like me! Finally, I wouldn't take this review into high consideration if you are at least half confident in your painting skills or you are an extremely patient human. To be honest I would be surprised if this happens to anyone else. I still would buy it again to make a matching Sinanju for this Sazabi, but if it goes the same, the Sinanju will be the last kit I paint with this paint. Hope this helps! Thank you Newtype HQ for supplying!
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