Based on the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing anime, this Wing Gundam model kit is in 1/144 scale and becomes a fully articulated figure once built. The Wing Gundam comes armed with a Buster Rifle, shield and 2 beam sabers.
Product Features
- 1/144 Scale
- Made of PS, PE
- Based on Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
- Part of the High Grade After Colony model kit line
Box Contents
- Pieces to build
- Gundam Wing
- Buster Rifle
- Shield
- 2 Beam sabers
- Instructions
Scale | 1/144 |
Line | HG - High Grade |
Number | 162 / 257 |
Brand | Mobile Suit Gundam |
Series | Gundam Wing |
SKU: 2219520
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Nov 7, 2023
it's a little fragile
The High Grade After Colony builds use polycaps, which can be a little problematic on their own. But this kit has a transformation which just makes matters worse. Some of the joints have extra wiggle-room to facilitate the transformation and that just makes things a little loose and fragile. I had real issues with things popping off while trying to pose this model.
And the transformation itself just isn't great. This isn't really a problem with the model though... "Bird Mode" was never very impressive even in the anime. It basically just looks like the robot is wearing its shield for a hat.
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Nov 28, 2022
Second Gundam ever built
This is a pretty good model, only took about 2.5 hours to assemble. The model apparently transforms but I don't really care too much about that.
It's a little awkward to stand and I think would be better with a stand. The quality of the plastic itself seems cheap but I suppose that's normal.
Stickers suck and I'd rather paint them or use water decals instead.
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